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Algorithms - HMAC


int wc_HmacSetKey(Hmac * hmac, int type, const byte * key, word32 keySz)
This function initializes an Hmac object, setting its encryption type, key and HMAC length.
int wc_HmacUpdate(Hmac * hmac, const byte * in, word32 sz)
This function updates the message to authenticate using HMAC. It should be called after the Hmac object has been initialized with wc_HmacSetKey. This function may be called multiple times to update the message to hash. After calling wc_HmacUpdate as desired, one should call wc_HmacFinal to obtain the final authenticated message tag.
int wc_HmacFinal(Hmac * hmac, byte * out)
This function computes the final hash of an Hmac object's message.
int wolfSSL_GetHmacMaxSize(void )
This function returns the largest HMAC digest size available based on the configured cipher suites.
int wc_HKDF(int type, const byte * inKey, word32 inKeySz, const byte * salt, word32 saltSz, const byte * info, word32 infoSz, byte * out, word32 outSz)
This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with an optional salt and optional info into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given.
int wc_HKDF_Extract(int type, const byte * salt, word32 saltSz, const byte * inKey, word32 inKeySz, byte * out)
This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with an optional salt into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given.
int wc_HKDF_Extract_ex(int type, const byte * salt, word32 saltSz, const byte * inKey, word32 inKeySz, byte * out, void * heap, int devId)
This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with an optional salt into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.
int wc_HKDF_Expand(int type, const byte * inKey, word32 inKeySz, const byte * info, word32 infoSz, byte * out, word32 outSz)
This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with optional info into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given.
int wc_HKDF_Expand_ex(int type, const byte * inKey, word32 inKeySz, const byte * info, word32 infoSz, byte * out, word32 outSz, void * heap, int devId)
This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with optional info into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.
int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract(byte * prk, const byte * salt, word32 saltLen, byte * ikm, word32 ikmLen, int digest)
This function provides access to RFC 5869 HMAC_based Extract_and_Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) for TLS v1.3 key derivation.
int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract_ex(byte * prk, const byte * salt, word32 saltLen, byte * ikm, word32 ikmLen, int digest, void * heap, int devId)
This function provides access to RFC 5869 HMAC_based Extract_and_Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) for TLS v1.3 key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.
int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label_ex(byte * okm, word32 okmLen, const byte * prk, word32 prkLen, const byte * protocol, word32 protocolLen, const byte * label, word32 labelLen, const byte * info, word32 infoLen, int digest, void * heap, int devId)
Expand data using HMAC, salt and label and info. TLS v1.3 defines this function for key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.
int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label(byte * okm, word32 okmLen, const byte * prk, word32 prkLen, const byte * protocol, word32 protocolLen, const byte * label, word32 labelLen, const byte * info, word32 infoLen, int digest)
Expand data using HMAC, salt and label and info. TLS v1.3 defines this function for key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.
int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label_Alloc(byte * okm, word32 okmLen, const byte * prk, word32 prkLen, const byte * protocol, word32 protocolLen, const byte * label, word32 labelLen, const byte * info, word32 infoLen, int digest, void * heap)
This functions is very similar to wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label(), but it allocates memory if the stack space usually used isn't enough. Expand data using HMAC, salt and label and info. TLS v1.3 defines this function for key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.

Functions Documentation

function wc_HmacSetKey

int wc_HmacSetKey(
    Hmac * hmac,
    int type,
    const byte * key,
    word32 keySz

This function initializes an Hmac object, setting its encryption type, key and HMAC length.


  • hmac pointer to the Hmac object to initialize
  • type type specifying which encryption method the Hmac object should use. Valid options are: WC_MD5, WC_SHA, WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384, WC_SHA512, WC_SHA3_224, WC_SHA3_256, WC_SHA3_384 or WC_SHA3_512
  • key pointer to a buffer containing the key with which to initialize the Hmac object
  • length length of the key



  • 0 Returned on successfully initializing the Hmac object
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if the input type is invalid (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory for the structure to use for hashing
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E Returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard of 14 bytes


Hmac hmac;
byte key[] = { // initialize with key to use for encryption };
if (wc_HmacSetKey(&hmac, WC_MD5, key, sizeof(key)) != 0) {
    // error initializing Hmac object

function wc_HmacUpdate

int wc_HmacUpdate(
    Hmac * hmac,
    const byte * in,
    word32 sz

This function updates the message to authenticate using HMAC. It should be called after the Hmac object has been initialized with wc_HmacSetKey. This function may be called multiple times to update the message to hash. After calling wc_HmacUpdate as desired, one should call wc_HmacFinal to obtain the final authenticated message tag.


  • hmac pointer to the Hmac object for which to update the message
  • msg pointer to the buffer containing the message to append
  • length length of the message to append



  • 0 Returned on successfully updating the message to authenticate
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory for use with a hashing algorithm


Hmac hmac;
byte msg[] = { // initialize with message to authenticate };
byte msg2[] = { // initialize with second half of message };
// initialize hmac
if( wc_HmacUpdate(&hmac, msg, sizeof(msg)) != 0) {
    // error updating message
if( wc_HmacUpdate(&hmac, msg2, sizeof(msg)) != 0) {
    // error updating with second message

function wc_HmacFinal

int wc_HmacFinal(
    Hmac * hmac,
    byte * out

This function computes the final hash of an Hmac object's message.


  • hmac pointer to the Hmac object for which to calculate the final hash
  • hash pointer to the buffer in which to store the final hash. Should have room available as required by the hashing algorithm chosen



  • 0 Returned on successfully computing the final hash
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory for use with a hashing algorithm


Hmac hmac;
byte hash[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE];
// initialize hmac with MD5 as type
// wc_HmacUpdate() with messages

if (wc_HmacFinal(&hmac, hash) != 0) {
    // error computing hash

function wolfSSL_GetHmacMaxSize

int wolfSSL_GetHmacMaxSize(

This function returns the largest HMAC digest size available based on the configured cipher suites.


  • none No parameters.

See: none

Return: Success Returns the largest HMAC digest size available based on the configured cipher suites


int maxDigestSz = wolfSSL_GetHmacMaxSize();

function wc_HKDF

int wc_HKDF(
    int type,
    const byte * inKey,
    word32 inKeySz,
    const byte * salt,
    word32 saltSz,
    const byte * info,
    word32 infoSz,
    byte * out,
    word32 outSz

This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with an optional salt and optional info into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given.


  • type hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_MD5, WC_SHA, WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384, WC_SHA512, WC_SHA3_224, WC_SHA3_256, WC_SHA3_384 or WC_SHA3_512
  • inKey pointer to the buffer containing the key to use for KDF
  • inKeySz length of the input key
  • salt pointer to a buffer containing an optional salt. Use NULL instead if not using a salt
  • saltSz length of the salt. Use 0 if not using a salt
  • info pointer to a buffer containing optional additional info. Use NULL if not appending extra info
  • infoSz length of additional info. Use 0 if not using additional info
  • out pointer to the buffer in which to store the derived key
  • outSz space available in the output buffer to store the generated key

See: wc_HmacSetKey


  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

The HMAC configure option is –enable-hmac (on by default) or if building sources directly HAVE_HKDF


byte key[] = { // initialize with key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with salt };
byte derivedKey[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_HKDF(WC_SHA512, key, sizeof(key), salt, sizeof(salt),
NULL, 0, derivedKey, sizeof(derivedKey));
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_HKDF_Extract

int wc_HKDF_Extract(
    int type,
    const byte * salt,
    word32 saltSz,
    const byte * inKey,
    word32 inKeySz,
    byte * out

This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with an optional salt into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given.


  • type hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_MD5, WC_SHA, WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384, WC_SHA512, WC_SHA3_224, WC_SHA3_256, WC_SHA3_384 or WC_SHA3_512
  • salt pointer to a buffer containing an optional salt. Use NULL instead if not using a salt
  • saltSz length of the salt. Use 0 if not using a salt
  • inKey pointer to the buffer containing the key to use for KDF
  • inKeySz length of the input key
  • out pointer to the buffer in which to store the derived key



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

The HMAC configure option is –enable-hmac (on by default) or if building sources directly HAVE_HKDF


byte key[] = { // initialize with key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with salt };
byte derivedKey[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_HKDF_Extract(WC_SHA512, salt, sizeof(salt), key, sizeof(key),
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_HKDF_Extract_ex

int wc_HKDF_Extract_ex(
    int type,
    const byte * salt,
    word32 saltSz,
    const byte * inKey,
    word32 inKeySz,
    byte * out,
    void * heap,
    int devId

This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with an optional salt into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.


  • type hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_MD5, WC_SHA, WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384, WC_SHA512, WC_SHA3_224, WC_SHA3_256, WC_SHA3_384 or WC_SHA3_512
  • salt pointer to a buffer containing an optional salt. Use NULL instead if not using a salt
  • saltSz length of the salt. Use 0 if not using a salt
  • inKey pointer to the buffer containing the key to use for KDF
  • inKeySz length of the input key
  • out pointer to the buffer in which to store the derived key
  • heap heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL
  • devId ID to use with crypto callbacks or async hardware. Set to INVALID_DEVID (-2) if not used



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

The HMAC configure option is –enable-hmac (on by default) or if building sources directly HAVE_HKDF


byte key[] = { // initialize with key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with salt };
byte derivedKey[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_HKDF_Extract_ex(WC_SHA512, salt, sizeof(salt), key, sizeof(key),
    derivedKey, NULL, INVALID_DEVID);
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_HKDF_Expand

int wc_HKDF_Expand(
    int type,
    const byte * inKey,
    word32 inKeySz,
    const byte * info,
    word32 infoSz,
    byte * out,
    word32 outSz

This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with optional info into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given.


  • type hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_MD5, WC_SHA, WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384, WC_SHA512, WC_SHA3_224, WC_SHA3_256, WC_SHA3_384 or WC_SHA3_512
  • inKey pointer to the buffer containing the key to use for KDF
  • inKeySz length of the input key
  • info pointer to a buffer containing optional additional info. Use NULL if not appending extra info
  • infoSz length of additional info. Use 0 if not using additional info
  • out pointer to the buffer in which to store the derived key
  • outSz space available in the output buffer to store the generated key



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

The HMAC configure option is –enable-hmac (on by default) or if building sources directly HAVE_HKDF


byte key[] = { // initialize with key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with salt };
byte derivedKey[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_HKDF_Expand(WC_SHA512, key, sizeof(key), NULL, 0,
    derivedKey, sizeof(derivedKey));
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_HKDF_Expand_ex

int wc_HKDF_Expand_ex(
    int type,
    const byte * inKey,
    word32 inKeySz,
    const byte * info,
    word32 infoSz,
    byte * out,
    word32 outSz,
    void * heap,
    int devId

This function provides access to a HMAC Key Derivation Function (HKDF). It utilizes HMAC to convert inKey, with optional info into a derived key, which it stores in out. The hash type defaults to MD5 if 0 or NULL is given. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.


  • type hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_MD5, WC_SHA, WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384, WC_SHA512, WC_SHA3_224, WC_SHA3_256, WC_SHA3_384 or WC_SHA3_512
  • inKey pointer to the buffer containing the key to use for KDF
  • inKeySz length of the input key
  • info pointer to a buffer containing optional additional info. Use NULL if not appending extra info
  • infoSz length of additional info. Use 0 if not using additional info
  • out pointer to the buffer in which to store the derived key
  • outSz space available in the output buffer to store the generated key
  • heap heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL
  • devId ID to use with crypto callbacks or async hardware. Set to INVALID_DEVID (-2) if not used



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

The HMAC configure option is –enable-hmac (on by default) or if building sources directly HAVE_HKDF


byte key[] = { // initialize with key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with salt };
byte derivedKey[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_HKDF_Expand_ex(WC_SHA512, key, sizeof(key), NULL, 0,
    derivedKey, sizeof(derivedKey), NULL, INVALID_DEVID);
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract

int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract(
    byte * prk,
    const byte * salt,
    word32 saltLen,
    byte * ikm,
    word32 ikmLen,
    int digest

This function provides access to RFC 5869 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) for TLS v1.3 key derivation.


  • prk Generated pseudorandom key
  • salt salt.
  • saltLen length of the salt
  • ikm pointer to putput for keying material
  • ikmLen length of the input keying material buffer
  • digest hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384 or WC_SHA512



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard


byte secret[] = { // initialize with random key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with optional salt };
byte masterSecret[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract(secret, salt, sizeof(salt), 0,
    masterSecret, sizeof(masterSecret), WC_SHA512);
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract_ex

int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract_ex(
    byte * prk,
    const byte * salt,
    word32 saltLen,
    byte * ikm,
    word32 ikmLen,
    int digest,
    void * heap,
    int devId

This function provides access to RFC 5869 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) for TLS v1.3 key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.


  • prk Generated pseudorandom key
  • salt Salt.
  • saltLen Length of the salt
  • ikm Pointer to output for keying material
  • ikmLen Length of the input keying material buffer
  • digest Hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384 or WC_SHA512
  • heap Heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL
  • devId ID to use with crypto callbacks or async hardware. Set to INVALID_DEVID (-2) if not used



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard


byte secret[] = { // initialize with random key };
byte salt[] = { // initialize with optional salt };
byte masterSecret[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];

int ret = wc_Tls13_HKDF_Extract_ex(secret, salt, sizeof(salt), 0,
    masterSecret, sizeof(masterSecret), WC_SHA512, NULL, INVALID_DEVID);
if ( ret != 0 ) {
    // error generating derived key

function wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label_ex

int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label_ex(
    byte * okm,
    word32 okmLen,
    const byte * prk,
    word32 prkLen,
    const byte * protocol,
    word32 protocolLen,
    const byte * label,
    word32 labelLen,
    const byte * info,
    word32 infoLen,
    int digest,
    void * heap,
    int devId

Expand data using HMAC, salt and label and info. TLS v1.3 defines this function for key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.


  • okm Generated pseudorandom key - output key material.
  • okmLen Length of generated pseudorandom key - output key material.
  • prk Salt - pseudo-random key.
  • prkLen Length of the salt - pseudo-random key.
  • protocol TLS protocol label.
  • protocolLen Length of the TLS protocol label.
  • info Information to expand.
  • infoLen Length of the information.
  • digest Hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384 or WC_SHA512
  • heap Heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL
  • devId ID to use with crypto callbacks or async hardware. Set to INVALID_DEVID (-2) if not used



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

function wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label

int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label(
    byte * okm,
    word32 okmLen,
    const byte * prk,
    word32 prkLen,
    const byte * protocol,
    word32 protocolLen,
    const byte * label,
    word32 labelLen,
    const byte * info,
    word32 infoLen,
    int digest

Expand data using HMAC, salt and label and info. TLS v1.3 defines this function for key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.


  • okm Generated pseudorandom key - output key material.
  • okmLen Length of generated pseudorandom key - output key material.
  • prk Salt - pseudo-random key.
  • prkLen Length of the salt - pseudo-random key.
  • protocol TLS protocol label.
  • protocolLen Length of the TLS protocol label.
  • info Information to expand.
  • infoLen Length of the information.
  • digest Hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384 or WC_SHA512



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

function wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label_Alloc

int wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label_Alloc(
    byte * okm,
    word32 okmLen,
    const byte * prk,
    word32 prkLen,
    const byte * protocol,
    word32 protocolLen,
    const byte * label,
    word32 labelLen,
    const byte * info,
    word32 infoLen,
    int digest,
    void * heap

This functions is very similar to wc_Tls13_HKDF_Expand_Label(), but it allocates memory if the stack space usually used isn't enough. Expand data using HMAC, salt and label and info. TLS v1.3 defines this function for key derivation. This is the _ex version adding heap hint and device identifier.


  • okm Generated pseudorandom key - output key material.
  • okmLen Length of generated pseudorandom key - output key material.
  • prk Salt - pseudo-random key.
  • prkLen Length of the salt - pseudo-random key.
  • protocol TLS protocol label.
  • protocolLen Length of the TLS protocol label.
  • info Information to expand.
  • infoLen Length of the information.
  • digest Hash type to use for the HKDF. Valid types are: WC_SHA256, WC_SHA384 or WC_SHA512
  • heap Heap hint to use for memory. Can be NULL



  • 0 Returned upon successfully generating a key with the given inputs
  • BAD_FUNC_ARG Returned if an invalid hash type is given (see type param)
  • MEMORY_E Returned if there is an error allocating memory
  • HMAC_MIN_KEYLEN_E May be returned when using a FIPS implementation and the key length specified is shorter than the minimum acceptable FIPS standard

Updated on 2025-03-10 at 01:19:22 +0000